Valor Resources Limited announced that, further to the ASX Release dated May 20, 2021, ("Peru Copper Silver Project update"), the field work portion of the initial project review has been completed. Solimana Gold SAC (Solimana), geological consultants on the project, completed their technical site visit to each of the five main exploration target areas, successfully obtained rock samples from each area delivering outstanding results which the company will follow up immediately. The Picha project consists of 4 granted mining concessions covering 2,000 hectares. It is located 127km SW of the City of Juliaca, in southern Peru, and near the village of Jesus Maria in the San Antonio de Esquilache district, province of Sanchez Cerro and the Moquegua department. Regionally, the Picha property is located within the Tertiary volcanic belt of southern Peru that hosts numerous important ore deposits. In the Arequipa department, major examples include Orcopampa, Arcata, Ares, Caylloma and Sukuytambo. In the SE of the Cusco department is the polymetallic silver rich district of Condoroma and in Puno department is the Berenguela district rich in silver and copper. About 14km to the ENE of the property is the old San Antonio de Esquilache polymetallic silverrich mining district. The property is 17km from the Chucapaca coppersilvergold deposit that hosts a resource of 7.5 million gold equivalent ounces. (Valor announcement 23rd May 2016). Picha is also in the NW extension of the Tucari and Santa Rosa high sulfidation systems and in the SE extension of the skarnprophyry belt that hosts the Tintaya district. The oldest rocks of the area are a sequence of folded and faulted marine sediments consisting of limestones, shales, quartzites and arkosic sandstones of the Lagunillas Group (JurassicCretaceous), but there are also quartzites of the Tantacollo Formation. The volcanic activity in the area started with the Miocene Tacaza Group (±1000m thickness). This sequence, separated from the underlying sedimentary rocks by an angular unconformity, is composed of andesitic lavas and breccias, basalts and dacites with some pyroclastics. It outcrops in central parts of the Picha property. Overlaying the Tacaza Group on an angular unconformity are siltstones, sandstones, shales. impure limestones with interbedded felsic to intermediate volcanics and reworked tuffs of the ±1700m thick Middle to Late Miocene Maure Group. These are the most abundant rocks on the project area. The andesitic lavas and tuffs of the ±700m thick Pleistocene Barroso Group conformably overlie both the Tacaza and the Maure Groups and are found in the northern part of the region. Intrusive activity during the Miocene emplaced many small stocks of porphyritic andesite, quartz feldspar porphyry, rhyolite, porphyritic microdiorite and diorite within the Pichacani map area. Some of the intrusions are up to 6km long and 2km wide. Major structural fault lineaments strike NWSE and control the windows of Mesozoic sediments in contact with the Tacaza volcanics, and also the location of intrusive rocks.