Vaisala has won the tendering of delivering a new weather radar system to the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), which is an organization under the Ministry of Environment of the country (MITECO). The value of the project is approximately EUR 25 million, making it the single order for Vaisala ever. The contract will be signed after the public procurement appeal period has ended, and the order will be booked to Vaisala's orders received after the contract has been finalized.

The contract includes 18 dual-polarization C-band weather radars (WRM200), which will be installed by the end of 2026. The contract also includes a maintenance and service agreement for the period 2024?2026. The contract is complemented by an option for the delivery of two WRS300 weather radars, utilizing completely new semiconductor transmitter technology, for the first time in Europe.

WRS300 provides superior performance and reliability with lower life cycle costs. Dual-polarization radars accurately detect the different forms and intensities of precipitation, and they are able to remove non-meteorological data, such as insects, from the dataset. Vaisala's measurement solutions and weather data help in understanding, mitigating, and adapting to climate change.

The focus is on the safety of individuals and the protection of property, as well as the efficiency of operations utilizing reliable measurements and decision support systems in all weather conditions.