Universe Pharmaceuticals INC announced that six varieties of the Company's products were included in the First Edition of Catalogue of Medicine for Patients Infected with COVID-19 which was published by Beijing Health Commission on December 12, 2022. The included products are Banlangen Granules, Strong Loquat Extract, Pediatric Paracetamol, Vitamin C Yinqiao Tablets, Acetaminophen Tablets and Metamizole Sodium Tablets. The Catalogue supplements the list of recommended medicine in the Ninth Edition of the National Diagnosis and Treatment Plan. The Catalogue recommends 67 types of traditional Chinese medicine products for six different types of
medical symptoms, such as fever and sore throat, and recommends 41 varieties of western medicine products for four types of clinical symptoms, such as cough and expectoration. In addition to hospitals, patients can also purchase medicines included in the Catalogue from channels such as retail pharmacies and e-commerce platforms according to their own needs.