? Sales summary for December 2012

Total company sales showed year-on-year positive growth (+11.4%) in December. Same store sales of retail and online stores showed positive growth (+2.6%) compared to the same period in the previous year.

In December, sales of winter clothing including knitwear and cardigans, and winter accessories such as scarves and gloves were favorable. Suits and pants for men and dresses and pants for women also sold well.

The following items were especially popular in the month under review:

Suits, Knitwear, Pants, Scarves and Gloves, etc.

Dresses, Knitwear, Pants, Scarves and Gloves, etc.


Sales, number of retail customers, average spend per customer for FY 2013 (YoY)
Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. 1H
?Total business unit sales 111.0 111.0 103.9 120.1 112.8 106.7 111.0
?Retail sales of
total company
111.7 110.0 105.6 118.1 111.5 107.0 110.8
?Online sales of
total company
112.2 123.6 92.8 139.9 119.4 107.2 115.0
?Outlet sales 120.8 108.3 107.8 102.0 108.8 104.8 108.9
?Number of retail customers 111.1 112.8 101.5 124.5 121.8 108.3 113.7
?Ave. spend per
retail customer
100.5 97.6 104.1 94.9 91.5 98.9 97.4
Same store sales (retail and online) 100.5 101.7 95.0 111.0 103.8 97.7 101.6
?Same store retail sales 99.3 99.6 95.9 107.7 102.2 97.0 100.3
?Same store online sales 109.1 118.7 89.6 133.6 113.9 101.8 110.3
?Number of retail customers 95.6 98.9 89.6 111.2 106.1 95.3 99.8
?Ave. spend per
retail customer
103.9 100.7 107.1 96.9 96.3 101.8 100.5
Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. FY
?Total business unit sales 107.1 115.5 109.2
?Retail sales of
total company
107.3 115.1 109.0
?Online sales of
total company
108.8 121.3 111.9
?Outlet sales 103.3 113.4 128.7
?Number of retail customers 108.6 111.9 109.1
?Ave. spend per
retail customer
98.8 102.8 99.9
Same store sales (retail and online) 99.3 108.9 102.6
?Same store retail sales 98.4 107.4 101.7
?Same store online sales 104.8 117.9 108.7
?Number of retail customers 96.9 102.7 100.6
?Ave. spend per
retail customer
101.6 104.6 101.1

* For detailed data, please download either the relevant EXCEL or PDF files below. If you are interested in historical monthly sales summaries, please select the EXCEL file. If you are interested in only this months' sales summary, please select the PDF file.

The Year Ending March 31, 2013 [ EXCEL/83.0KB ][ PDF/40.2KB ]

* "Total business unit sales" includes the sales of retail, online, and wholesale, etc. "Outlet sales" includes sales of outlet stores and at special events.
* "Number of retail customers" and "Average spend per retail customer" are calculated from retail sales only.

  • The Year Ended March 31, 2012 [ EXCEL/84.0KB ][ PDF/69.0KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2011 [ EXCEL/80.0KB ][ PDF/71.0KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2010 [ EXCEL/78.0KB ][ PDF/24.0KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2009 [ EXCEL/74.5KB ][ PDF/22.1KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2008 [ EXCEL/83.5KB ][ PDF/29.3KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2007 [ EXCEL/83.0KB ][ PDF/30.5KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2006 [ EXCEL/95.0KB ][ PDF/35.7KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2005 [ EXCEL/84.0KB ][ PDF/34.0KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2004 [ EXCEL/82.0KB ][ PDF/31.0KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2003 [ PDF/30.9KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2002 [ PDF/32.0KB ]
Store Development Summary Changes in December 2012

[Retail] New Store 1:CHROME HEARTS 1
[Online] None
[Outlet] New Store 1

* For detailed data, please download either the relevant EXCEL or PDF file.

The Year Ending March 31, 2013 [ EXCEL/83.0KB ][ PDF/48.0KB ]

  • The Year Ended March 31, 2012 [ EXCEL/80.0KB ][ PDF/25.20KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2011 [ EXCEL/75.5KB ][ PDF/25.2KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2010 [ EXCEL/74.5KB ][ PDF/24.0KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2009 [ EXCEL/61.5KB ][ PDF/18.5KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2008 [ EXCEL/61.5KB ][ PDF/21.6KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2007 [ EXCEL/59.5KB ][ PDF/20.3KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2006 [ EXCEL/50.0KB ][ PDF/17.0KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2005 [ EXCEL/50.5KB ][ PDF/15.4KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2004 [ EXCEL/50.5KB ][ PDF/15.6KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2003 [ EXCEL/50.5KB ][ PDF/17.2KB ]
  • The Year Ended March 31, 2002 [ EXCEL/48.0KB ][ PDF/15.0KB ]
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