Tracker Fund Of Hong Kong reported earnings results for the year ended December 31, 2012. For the year, the company reported total net income was HKD 12,846,136,223, compared to total net loss of HKD 9,910,542,499 for the last year. Operating profit was HKD 12,784,209,366, compared to operating loss of HKD 9,980,003,621 for the last year.

Profit after distributions and before tax was HKD 11,194,414,316, compared to loss after distributions and before tax of HKD 11,586,278,896 for the last year. Profit after distributions and tax was HKD 11,106,299,057, compared to loss after distributions and tax of HKD 11,668,936,296 for the last year. Net assets attributable to holders of redeemable units at 1st January (at last traded market prices) were HKD 48,362,762,116 or HKD 22.85 per unit, compared to HKD 53,377,202,767 or HKD 18.58 per unit for the last year.

Net cash generated from operating activities was HKD 1,743,039,787, compared to HKD 1,517,132,390 for the last year.