Tosei Corporation announced that The term of all five members of the Board of Directors will expire upon the closing of the General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled on February 27, 2014. Accordingly, the company will appoint Seiichiro Yamaguchi, Katsuhito Kosuge, Noboru Hirano, Goro Kamino and Kenichi Shotoku as its Directors. Seiichiro Yamaguchi has been President and Representative Director of the company (Since June 1994) and President and CEO of the company (since July 2004).

Katsuhito Kosuge has been COO and Senior Executive Officer of Business Division of the company (Since February 2006) and Director of Tosei Asset Advisors Inc.(since February 2012). Noboru Hirano has been CFO and Senior Executive Officer of Administrative Division of the company (Since February 2006) and Director of Tosei Community Co. Ltd.(since February 2013).

Goro Kamino has been President CEO of Gastec Service, Inc(Since August 2000), President and representative director of Sala Corporation (Since May 2002), Director of Sala House Co. Ltd.(Since January 2004), Chairperson of Sala Cars Japan Co. Ltd. (Since February 2007),Director of the company(since February 2007), President and Representative Director of Chubu Gas Co.

Ltd.(Since March 2012) and Director of Musashi Seimitsu Industry Co. Ltd. (since June 2012). Kenichi Shotoku has been Representative Director of SCS Global Accounting Co.

Ltd.(since November 2003), Statutory Auditor of ROKI TECHNO CO., LTD (since December 2010), Director of the Company (since February 2012) and Statutory Auditor of ROKI GROUP HOLDINGS CO., LTD.(since January 2013).Goro Kamino and Kenichi Shotoku are candidates for outside directors.