3 April 2023

Announcement no. 06/2023

Notice convening the Annual General Meeting 26 April 2023

Notice convening the annual general meeting of Topdanmark A/S, CVR number 78 04 00 17, on Wednesday 26 April 2023 at 15:00 CEST. The general meeting will be held as a fully virtual general meeting without the possibility of physical attendance under the company’s articles of association.

The Board of Directors presents:

 I. Report on the company’s activities in the past year.

 II. Presentation of the audited annual report signed by the Board of Directors and the Executive Board.

 III. Approval of the annual report and decision on the appropriation of profits according to the approved annual report.

 The Board of Directors proposes a total dividend of DKK 31 per share.

 IV. Presentation of the remuneration report for indicative voting.

 V. Proposals from the Board of Directors or the shareholders.

 Proposals from the Board of Directors:

 A.Proposal for amendment to the Articles of Association

Proposal for authorisation of share capital increase etc.

According to the former Articles 4A-4F of the Articles of Association, the Board of Directors has so far been empowered to increase the share capital, to raise loans against bonds or other instruments of debt entitling the lender to convert his/her claim into shares in the Company or to issue warrants. This authorisation shall expire on 12 April 2023.

The Board of Directors proposes that the authorisations be extended by another five-year period until 26 April 2028. Consequently, it is proposed to amend the Articles of Association as follows:


  1. The former Article 4A is proposed amended to:


“Article 4.A Authorisation granted to increase the capital with pre-emptive rights

The Board of Directors has been empowered to increase the share capital by issuing new shares of up to DKK 2.5 million (nominal value) in total by one or more issues with pre-emptive rights for the Company's existing shareholders, without prejudice to Article 4.G The increase shall be proportionately divided between all shareholders, and the subscription price shall be fixed by the Board of Directors.

The authorisation shall be in force until 26 April 2028.”


2. The former Article 4B is proposed amended to:

“Article 4.B Authorisation to increase the capital without pre-emptive rights

The Board of Directors has been empowered to increase the share capital by issuing new shares of up to DKK 2.5 million (nominal value) in total by one or more issues without pre-emptive rights for the Company's existing shareholders, without prejudice to Article 4.G The subscription price for the new shares shall be the market price.

The authorisation shall be in force until 26 April 2028.”


3. The former Article 4C is proposed amended to:

“Article 4.C Authorisation of convertible instruments of debt with pre-emptive rights

The Board of Directors has been empowered to raise, with pre-emptive rights for the Company's existing shareholders, one or more loans against bonds or other instruments of debt entitling the lender to convert his/her claim into shares in the Company. The maximum size of any share capital increase resulting from the debt conversion shall be DKK 2.5 million (nominal value) in total, without prejudice to Article 4.G

The authorisation will be in force until 26 April 2028. The period of conversion may be fixed at a longer period than five years following the raising of the convertible loan.

The decision of the Board of Directors to raise convertible loans shall be included in the Articles of Association, and the Board of Directors shall be entitled to make the ensuing amendments to the Articles of Association.”


4. The former Article 4D is proposed amended to:

“Article 4.D Authorisation of convertible instruments of debt without pre-emptive rights

The Board of Directors has been empowered to raise, without pre-emptive rights for the Company's existing shareholders, one or more loans against bonds or other instruments of debt entitling the lender to convert his/her claim into shares in the Company. The maximum size of any share capital increase resulting from the debt conversion shall be DKK 2.5 million (nominal value) in total, without prejudice to Article 4.G. The convertible instruments of debt shall be offered on market terms.

The authorisation shall be in force until 26 April 2028. The period of conversion may be fixed at a longer period than five years following the raising of the convertible loan.

The decision of the Board of Directors to raise convertible loans shall be included in the Articles of Association, and the Board of Directors shall be entitled to make the ensuing amendments to the Articles of Association.”


5. The former Article 4E is proposed amended to:

“Article 4.E Authorisation of warrants with pre-emptive rights

The Board of Directors has been empowered to issue warrants by one or more issues with pre- emptive rights for the Company's existing shareholders. The maximum size of such share capital increase to be made on the basis of the warrants shall be DKK 2.5 million (nominal value) in total, without prejudice to Article 4.G.

The authorisation shall be in force until 26 April 2028.

The decision of the Board of Directors to issue warrants shall be included in the Articles of Association, and the Board of Directors shall be entitled to make the ensuing amendments to the Articles of Association.”


6. The former Article 4F is proposed amended to:

“Article 4.F Authorisation of warrants without pre-emptive rights

The Board of Directors has been empowered to issue warrants by one or more issues without pre- emptive rights for the Company's existing shareholders. The maximum size of such share capital increase to be made on the basis of the warrants shall be DKK 2.5 million (nominal value) in total, without prejudice to Article 4.G. The warrants shall be offered on market terms.

The authorisation shall be in force until 26 April 2028.

The decision of the Board of Directors to issue warrants shall be included in the Articles of Association, and the Board of Directors shall be entitled to make the ensuing amendments to the Articles of Association.”


7. Article 4.G

The maximum utilisation of the authorisations granted to the Board of Directors in Articles 4.A-4.F to increase the share capital shall be DKK 2.5 million (nominal value) in total. At the discretion of the Board of Directors, the increase shall be effected by cash payment, by payment in values corresponding at least to the market value of the shares issued, by conversion of debt or by the issue of bonus shares.


8. Article 4.H

Shares issued as a result of Articles 4.A.-4.F shall be negotiable instruments, registered in the name of the holder and in any respect rank pari passu with existing shares.


9. Article 4.I

The Board of Directors shall fix the more specific conditions of capital increases effected in accordance with Articles 4.A-4.F.


B. Proposal for authorisation to buy own shares

To secure that Topdanmark has sufficient own shares to cover Topdanmark’s share-based remuneration components, LTI programme, STI programme and employee shares, the Board of Directors proposes that the Board of Directors be authorised to acquire own shares until 26 April 2028 for the purpose of ownership or security. The total of own shares held by the Company and its subsidiaries must not exceed 2.5% of the share capital. The shares shall be acquired at a minimum price of DKK 1.05 per DKK 1 share, and a maximum price of the market price plus 10%.


C. Proposal for amendment of the remuneration policy

The remuneration policy has been amended in consequence of Topdanmark Livsforsikring A/S (now Nordea Pension) no longer being part of the Topdanmark Group.

With the revised remuneration policy, the Board of Directors proposes that the decision-making power related to STI recipients outside the Executive Board and Grade A managers lies with the Executive Board instead of with the Board of Directors, thus it is the Executive Board that decides which employees, outside the Executive Board and Grade A managers, that can be included in the STI programme moving forward.

Moreover, the terminology of the remuneration policy has been updated in accordance with the current management structure in Topdanmark in which management is divided into Grade A, B+, B, C etc., and group executive management consisting of the Executive Board and other Grade A managers.

Furthermore, the text related to pension schemes in the remuneration policy has been updated.

The Board of Directors proposes that the remuneration policy of the Topdanmark Group is amended accordingly.

The complete wording of the remuneration policy following the suggested changes is available at Topdanmark’s website www.topdanmark.com → Investors → News → General meetings.


D. Proposal for the remuneration of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors proposes that the Board of Directors’ usual basic remuneration for the financial year 2023 is maintained at DKK 423,500.


VI. Election of members to the Board of Directors.

All members of the Board of Directors elected by the general meeting are up for election.

The Board of Directors proposes election of:


  1. Maria Hjorth
  2. Cristina Lage
  3. Morten Thorsrud
  4. Kjell Rune Tveita
  5. Ricard Wennerklint
  6. Jens Aaløse


A more detailed description of the individual board members can be found at Topdanmark’s website www.topdanmark.com → Investors → News → General meetings.


VII.      Appointment of a state-authorised public accountant.


The Board of Directors proposes re-election of KPMG P/S in accordance with the recommendation of the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee has not been influenced by third parties and has not been subject to any third-party agreement which restricts the appointment by the general meeting to certain auditors or audit firms.

VIII.     Any other business.


Adoption requirements

The adoption of items III, IV, VB, VC, VD, VI and VII on the agenda requires a simple majority of votes.

The adoption of items VA. 1-9 on the agenda requires that two thirds of both the votes cast and the voting share capital represented at the general meeting accept the proposal.

Voting takes place according to the principle of one vote per share.


Amount of share capital, voting rights of shareholders and date of registration

Topdanmark’s total share capital constitutes DKK 90,000,000 divided into 90,000,000 shares of DKK 1. Topdanmark’s holding of own shares, which does not entitle to voting at the general meeting, is 1,358,291 shares. The number of voting rights at the general meeting is therefore 88,641,709. Danske Bank is the share-issuing bank through which shareholders can exercise their financial rights.

The date of registration is 19 April 2023.

Shareholders who own shares in the company as at the date of registration are entitled to participate in and vote at the general meeting. A shareholder’s shareholding is calculated on the date of registration based on the registration of the shareholder’s shares in the register of shareholders and the information of ownership received by the company for registration in the register of shareholders. The attendance of a shareholder also depends on the shareholder having registered timely as described below.


Registration for the fully virtual general meeting

Shareholders who want to participate in the general meeting must register for the fully virtual general meeting no later than 21 April 2023 at www.topdanmark.com → Investors → Investor service → InvestorPortal or by contacting Euronext Securities, Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 8, 1402 Copenhagen by email at CPH-investor@euronext.com or at Euronext Securities website www.vp.dk/agm.

Shareholders having registered for the general meeting will receive a confirmation by email. The email contains a link to the general meeting portal and information on the holding of the virtual general meeting, including information about the procedure in connection with the virtual participation and contact information of Euronext Securities for technical support before and during the general meeting. The procedure in connection with virtual participation in the general meeting will also be available in guidelines for participation in the general meeting at the company’s website www.topdanmark. com → Investors → News → General meetings.


Power of attorney and postal vote

Shareholders may grant a power of attorney. Powers of attorney can always be revoked. Shareholders may vote in writing by letter. Postal votes cannot be withdrawn. An electronic power of attorney and postal vote may be given at Topdanmark’s investor portal, which is found at www.topdanmark.com → Investors → Investor service → InvestorPortal or can be given at Euronext Securities’ website www.vp.dk/agm. Physical power of attorney and postal voting forms can be downloaded from the company’s website www.topdanmark.com → Investors → News → General meetings.


Shareholders wanting to grant a power of attorney must do so through Topdanmark’s investor portal no later than 21 April 2023 or send it in writing to Euronext Securities, Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 8, 1402 Copenhagen, or by email to CPH-investor@euronext.com, thus it is received no later than 21 April 2023.


Shareholders wanting to give a postal vote must do so through Topdanmark’s investor portal or send it in writing to Euronext Securities, Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 8, 1402 Copenhagen, or by email CPH-investor@euronext.com, thus it is received no later than 25 April 2023 at 12:00 CEST.  


Further information

During the last three weeks before the annual general meeting, the notice convening the general meeting, information about the total number of votes and voting rights on the date of the notice, the documents to be presented at the annual general meeting, agenda and the full proposals as well as the forms to be used in case of voting by proxy or by letter will be available at the company’s website www.topdanmark.com → Investors → News → General meetings. The material can also be obtained by contacting Topdanmark’s shareholder administration.


Questions from the shareholders

Under section 102 of the Danish Companies Act, shareholders may ask questions about the agenda or documents etc. to be used at the annual general meeting or about matters of importance to the assessment of the annual report and otherwise the company’s position or regarding questions to be decided at the annual general meeting. Such questions can be asked prior to the general meeting by personal or written inquiry to Topdanmark A/S, Shareholder Administration Department, Borupvang 4, DK 2750 Ballerup, tel.: +45 44 68 44 11, email aktieadm@topdanmark.dk. Topdanmark requests shareholders who, prior to the general meeting, know that they want to ask questions or make submissions at the annual general meeting, to send such questions or submissions to the company in advance by email aktieadm@topdanmark.dk.


Technical requirements in connection with the holding of the virtual general meeting

Shareholders wanting to participate in the general meeting and having registered for the fully virtual general meeting, should ensure before the start of the general meeting that the device from which the shareholder participates in the general meeting, meets the requirements below:


  • Browser

The virtual general meeting can be accessed in so-called ‘evergreen browsers’ on both PC/Mac, mobile and tablet/iPad. ‘Evergreen browsers’ (Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Opera) are browsers which automatically update to new versions. Likewise, Safari is supported even if it is not an evergreen browser.


  • PC/Android

The virtual general meeting functions in the browsers Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Opera.


  • Apple

The virtual general meeting functions in the four latest main versions of the Safari browser on Mac, iPhone and iPad (Safari versions 13, 14, 15 and 16). If the shareholder has older Apple equipment which may not update to a functional Safari version, the shareholder may install a Chrome browser and use this.


  • Internet connection

The quality of the transmission depends on the shareholder’s supplier. The shareholder should as a minimum have a 5-10 Mbit/s connection to experience good transmission.


Holding of the virtual general meeting

The general meeting is held via the general meeting portal as stated above under registration for the virtual general meeting. It is important that the shareholder has logged on to the portal to participate in the general meeting. Here, the shareholder can attend the general meeting via live streaming, write submissions to the items on the agenda and cast their vote in case of any voting.


Submissions before the general meeting

If the shareholder has any submissions to the individual items on the agenda, as mentioned above, the company requests the shareholder to send them in advance as this will facilitate the holding on the day of the general meeting. Submissions are sent by email to the company at the email address aktieadm@topdanmark.dk.


Watching the general meeting

The general meeting is transmitted through livestreaming (webcast) in the general meeting portal. It is important that the shareholder has logged on to the portal to be able to watch and participate in the general meeting.


Questions/submissions during the general meeting

After the presentation of each item on the agenda, as usual there will be the possibility of asking questions and provide submissions for the proposals. This will take place in writing through the general meeting portal. Questions can be asked, and submissions can be sent via the general meeting portal during the entire general meeting. The shareholder’s questions/submissions will be read aloud and subsequently be answered orally. The shareholder must be logged on to the portal to write a submission.



If an item on the agenda comes up for voting, this will be clearly specified on the general meeting portal. The shareholder must be logged on to the portal to cast their vote. If the shareholder has granted a power of attorney or made a postal vote prior to the general meeting, the shareholder has no possibility of voting at the general meeting.


As voting and communication at the general meeting take place virtually, there may be delays in the electronic lines. In the extreme, these delays may last for up to a number of minutes. The company undertakes no responsibility that a shareholder’s questions, if any, comments, proposed changes, submissions or votes cast are received timely to be taken into account at the relevant item on the agenda.



The general meeting is also transmitted directly from Topdanmark’s website https://topdanmark.com, but from there it is not possible to participate in the virtual general meeting. The transmission can also be viewed on the company’s website after the general meeting.

The recordings will include pictures and sound.

 As regards collection and processing of personal data, reference is made to information about personal data law matters and the company’s data protection policy, which can be found on the company’s website www. topdanmark.com → Investors → News → General meetings and respectively at www.topdanmark.com → Sustainability → Business management → Data protection → Processing of personal data in Topdanmark.







Please direct any queries to:

Robin Løfgren, Head of Investor Relations
Direct tel:  +45 44 74 40 17
Mobile: +45 29 62 16 91


Topdanmark A/S
CVR. no. 78040017
Borupvang 4
DK-2750 Ballerup



  • Robin Hjelgaard Løfgren, Head of Investor Relations, +4544744017, +4529621691, rho@topdanmark.dk

About Topdanmark A/S

Topdanmark is one of the largest insurance companies in Denmark.

We are 2,100 employees, and we help more than 110,000 commercial and agricultural customers and 600,000 private customers all over the country. We have been helping customers since 1898 when Topdanmark was founded.

© Ritzau Denmark, source Ritzau English Regulatory Releases