TiVo Corporation announced the availability of SongConnect, a unique music metadata package that relates versions of a song to a single master work. With SongConnect, previously hidden connections are surfaced and music service providers can enable new discovery experiences for the music lover. SongConnect is powered by TiVo’s unique song ID. This new level of identifier allows providers to collect together alternate variations of a song including live, studio, acoustic and remix versions, enabling music fans to find a song even when there are multiple versions or if the song is described in different ways. Voice-led discovery is fast becoming the default way to find and enjoy music, and SongConnect provides an additional level of detail that helps advanced search and recommendation systems deliver the right track the first time. Record labels and music distributors can use SongConnect to more effectively merchandise new music and back catalogs. For example, if a song is re-recorded by an emerging artist, music retailers can leverage the success of the new release to market the original release as well as other popular covers. SongConnect provides the missing link that will fuel a new level of catalog optimization tools, which helps music services clean, synchronize and de-duplicate metadata from multiple sources. These optimization tools distinguish between duplicated and other related content allowing music providers to map songs titled in various languages to a single Song ID such as, “Let it Go,” which Disney recorded in more than 45 languages for the film Frozen.