Tectonic Metals Inc. announced the acquisition of three potential intrusions that are on-trend and similar in many respects to Flat's main, gold-bearing intrusion, Chicken Mountain, and the potential buried intrusion at Golden Apex. Immediately north of and contiguous with Tectonic's 92,160 acre Flat Gold Project, the Company added 7,680 acres (48 x 160 acres state claims): 2,720 acres (17 x 160 acres state claims) were acquired from a third-party vendor; and 4,960 acres (31 x 160 acres state claims) of new claims were staked by Tectonic. Secures the rights to three geophysical anomalies north of the Company's Flat Gold Project that follow the 20km "string-of-pearls" geophysical trend of several confirmed intrusion related gold systems currently being explored.

Members of the Tectonic team have been directly involved in identifying and monetizing several significant gold discoveries throughout N. America that have created a tremendous amount of value for shareholders and stakeholders.