Taoping Inc. unveiled a new, upgraded AI-powered smart terminal. This cutting-edge platform integrates AI Generative Artificial Intelligence (AIGC) with Taoping's intelligent cloud platform technology and product capabilities, paving the way for intelligent, AI-driven smart terminals. Taoping's new enhanced AI-powered smart terminals leverage high-end video displays to seamlessly integrate AI technology.

This facilitates rapid interaction, data collection, analysis, and more, optimizing the user experience. Initially targeting advertisers, these enhanced terminals enable them to autonomously generate diverse advertising content such as text-to-image, posters, and video ads. This capability aligns with tailored promotional strategies, offering a high degree of customization.

This capability allows the terminals to engage audiences naturally and instantly, significantly enhancing the efficacy of advertising media within Taoping's ecosystem. The integration of 3D simulated digital technology introduces interaction methods through AI technologies. Equipped with ultra-realistic dynamic service capabilities, advertisers from a variety of industries including culture and tourism, catering, government affairs, finance, live streaming, and more can now generate exclusive IP images that reflect with their unique characteristics.

At the same time, Taoping's new AI-powered smart terminals comprehensively optimize and upgrade multiple functions, such as intelligent auxiliary settings of advertising categories, scenarios, and specifications, as well as advertisements cloud storage and publishing. Covering every phase from content creation, precise publishing to marketing, and interaction with data analysis, Taoping's new AI-powered smart terminals will leverage AI to enhance each step of the process.