Taiwan Semiconductor Co., Ltd. announced the company's board of directors to appoint the second ESG Committee members. Name and Resume of the previous position holder: Wang, Shiu Ting, Chairman & General Manager of Taiwan Semiconductor Co., Ltd.; Wang, Xing-Lei, Chairman of TSC Auto ID Technology Co., Ltd. and Yan, Guo-Yin, Deputy General Manager of Taiwan Semiconductor Co., Ltd./Director of Yangxin Everwell Electronic Co., Ltd.(Legal Representative)/Director of Tianjin Everwell Technology Co., Ltd.(Legal Representative). Name and Resume of the new position holder: Jhan, Cian-Long(Independent directors), President of Soochow University/Independent director of Taiwan Semiconductor Co., Ltd.; Ma, Shu-Zhuang(Independent directors), CEO of NUTRITEC-ENJOY CORPORATION and Independent director of Taiwan Semiconductor Co., Ltd.; Chen, Shu-Ling(Independent directors), Director of Human Resources Service Department of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and Wang, Nian-Qiu(Independent directors), CEO of Yikuan Co., Ltd. /CEO of Zhaoxu Development Co., Ltd. Effective date of the new member: July 3, 2024 to June 18, 2027.