Taiwan FamilyMart. Co., Ltd. updated the lease contract period and transaction amount. The right-of-use asset of real estate at No.

508, Shengsen Road, Gangshan District, Kaohsiung City (part of the area, not the entire area) leased from the related party Taiwan FamilyMart Co. Ltd., with a total amount of TWD 45,869,550. The original contract has been in effect since 2019, the scope of the lease was increased in July 2022, and a supplementary agreement was signed to increase the amount of right-of-use asset by TWD 45,869,550.

(The amount of right-of- use asset of real estate is TWD 315,990,517). The lease period (July 01, 2024-December 31, 2026) and monthly rent were modified. The updated right-of-use asset amount is TWD 68,825,128.