Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:SNCR), today announced it will preview its new, cloud-based analytics solutions at CES 2017 in The Chairman’s Salon at the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas from January 5 - 8, 2017.

Synchronoss’ Personal Cloud™, used by over 33 million subscribers via 90 percent of the largest global service providers, will now have the ability to drive new value for subscribers and Operators thanks to the marriage of its analytics platform and powerful, new Synchronoss Personal Cloud features such as image tagging, search and share.

Synchronoss will demo its new cloud-based analytics solutions to illustrate how Operators can extract valuable data stored in the Personal Cloud to retain and upsell subscribers, generate new revenue and provide an improved overall customer experience.

New Personal Cloud features will enable service providers to offer more than the basic backup, restore and management of subscriber content. The company is exhibiting new image tagging, search and share capabilities that help subscribers get more out of their cloud-stored data. Visitors to the company’s booth will be able to participate in an immersive VR experience that allows users to interact with their Personal Cloud content in a new, creative way.

“This preview of our cloud-based analytics solution represents the next wave of cloud user experience as well as our richest, data-driven offer to date,” says Ted Woodbery, Vice President Marketing at Synchronoss. “Our Analytics and advanced Personal Cloud features are designed to bring a better experience for subscribers and an exciting new business value for our Operator customers. Our VR demo experience will showcase these capabilities in exciting new ways.”

Visitors and media wishing to meet with executives of the company can sign up here to schedule a meeting:

About Synchronoss Technologies, Inc.

Synchronoss (NASDAQ: SNCR) is an innovative software company that helps both service providers and enterprises realize and execute their goals for mobile transformation now. Our simple, powerful and flexible solutions serve millions of mobile subscribers and a large portion of the Fortune 500 worldwide today. For more information, visit us at: