FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Symrise suffered losses of 2.1 percent to 95.50 euros after figures on Wednesday. Shares in the flavors and fragrances maker were thus among the weaker stocks on the Dax and also slipped below the 21- and 50-day lines, which are considered trend indicators for short- to medium-term performance.

Weaker demand for probiotics, fragrances and menthol slowed growth momentum in the first half of the year. Although Symrise grew significantly faster than competitor Givaudan. However, profits were burdened by special costs.

Moreover, unlike Givaudan, profitability did not stabilize, noted analyst Andreas von Arx of Baader Bank. He attested Symrise weak figures across the board. The flavors manufacturer had a mixed performance, analyst Edward Hockin wrote in a study.

The papers of Givaudan lost 1.2 percent in line with the market./gl/jha/