Surf Air Mobility Inc. announced the appointment of Louis Saint-Cyr, an experienced senior leader in airline operations, to the position of President of Hawai?i Operations. As President of Hawaii Operations, Mr. Saint-Cyr will oversee the entirety of Surf Air Mobility?s travel brand, Mokulele Airlines, including the air operations, safety and compliance, airport management, guest experience, state and local government relations, and community engagement. Mr. Saint-Cyr joined Surf Air having previously served in operations and guest experience roles at Hawaiian Airlines, Air Canada, and, most recently, WestJet.

He will be relocating to Hawai?i. Mokulele is Surf Air?s largest operational region by passengers flown and is the largest inter-island commuter airline in Hawai?i. With an average of 112 departures per day, Mokulele?s air service currently connects 5 islands between 9 destinations on 10 routes. Mr. Saint-Cyr will report to Jim Sullivan, the newly appointed President of Air Mobility recently announced in June.