Over 100 SHKP staff and students on a Love Nature tour of Nam Sang Wai in Yuen Long to learn about migratory birds and mangrove habitats

Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) arranged a guided tour of Nam Sang Wai in Yuen Long to teach more than 100 participants about migratory birds and mangrove habitats. SHKP places great emphasis on environmental protection and runs a Love Nature campaign under the SHKP G Power banner to encourage employees and the public to appreciate nature.

The event gathered over 100 SHKP staff members and relatives plus students and teachers from three primary schools. Professional Green Power tour guides led the way through the wetland and identified migratory birds with interactive games. It was a fun outing for participants to learn about bird identification, wetland ecology and the food chain.

SHKP promotes environmental awareness among its staff and the public through the Love Nature campaign. Initiatives have included beach clean ups, outdoor learning, train-the-trainers workshops and sponsoring interactive educational kits for all primary schools in Hong Kong. Over 1,000 SHKP staff, relatives, volunteers, primary students and parents collected more than 5,000 kg of rubbish and recyclable waste in a number of beach clean ups during the past year.

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