K12 International Academy, an accredited online private school, is offering $250 savings on midterm enrollments for full-time and part-time students who enroll by Jan. 31, 2017.

“A new year is the perfect time for parents to consider fresh educational options for their children,” said Head of School Miriam Rube. “K12 International Academy delivers individualized learning to educate students in the ways that are right for them, nurturing a joy for learning and a passion to pursue their interests.”

As a virtual school available to any student with an internet connection, K12 International Academy (iCad) has a unique student population that represents every state in the U.S. and over 90 countries around the globe. Certified teachers deliver quality instruction using online lessons along with text books and lab materials that are shipped to the students. Most students take a college preparatory curriculum over a four-year period, and students graduate with a U.S. diploma recognized by colleges and universities.

Operating since 2008, iCad utilizes the award-winning K12 curriculum and offers students a choice from more than 140 courses to suit their interests and goals, including English, math, science, history and world language at a variety of levels, including honors and Advanced Placement®.

Eligible seniors may enroll in a dual enrollment program with the University of Maryland, University College to obtain college credits. The school also offers a wide range of clubs, activities and organizations.

Graduates of the Class of 2016 reported that they were offered over $1.6 million in scholarships and are currently attending two- and four-year colleges and universities, including Brown, Southern Methodist, Texas A&M, New York University, Dartmouth and Pepperdine.

Visit www.icademy.com for more information and details on midterm enrollment.

About K12 International Academy

K12 International Academy (iCad) is a private online college preparatory school for grades K-12. K12 International Academy is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI) and is recognized as a diploma-granting institution by the Virginia Council for Private Education. Credentialed teachers deliver an individualized education experience using the online classroom platform provided by K12 Inc. (NYSE: LRN). Multiple enrollment start dates are available throughout the year for full-time and part-time students. Learn more at www.icademy.com.