Strategic Equity Capital plc (the "Company")

    Appointment of new Director

    The Board is pleased to announce the appointment of William Barlow as a
    non-executive Director of the Company with effect from 1 February 2016.

    Mr Barlow is currently chief executive officer of Majedie Investments PLC,
    having been a director since 1999. He is a director of Majedie Portfolio
    Management Limited and a non-executive director of Majedie Asset Management
    Limited and was previously chief operating officer at Javelin Capital LLP. Mr
    Barlow joined Skandia Asset Management Limited as an equity portfolio manager
    in 1991 and was managing director of DNB Nor Asset Management (UK) Limited. He
    is also a Trustee of Racing Welfare.

    Mr Barlow holds no other publicly quoted directorships. There are no other
    details or disclosures required under LR 9.6.13R of the Financial Conduct
    Authority Listing Rules.

    Richard Hills, Chairman, commented, "We are delighted that William Barlow is
    joining us and look forward to his contribution to the development of the