PSA Peugeot-Citroen announced sales results for the full year of 2015. The company announced that it sold more than 500,000 new and used vehicles in 2015. The company sold more than 301,500 new vehicles in 2015, up 1.8% from 296,200 units in 2014, thereby contributing to the aggregate sales performance of the Group's three brands in Europe. By brand, unit sales amounted to 153,790 for Peugeot, 135,555 for Citron and 12,155 for DS. France accounted for 51% of the total and the rest of Europe 49%. The company recorded used vehicle sales of 211,000 units in 2015, up 1% on the previous year.

The company provided sales guidance for the full year of 2016. The company is expected to grow sales results in 2016.