State Street Corporation announced an expansion in coverage of State Street PriceStats Purchasing Power Parity Indicators, which measure real exchange rates for targeted economies with respect to the United States and, for select countries, Germany. The expansion in coverage adds seven new series to the existing eight, bringing the total number of PPP series to 15. State Street PriceStats PPP Indicators use online prices to compute the relative cost of a basket of identical goods in each country versus the US and/or Germany and signal RER deviations from PPP or RER historical averages. Compared to other measures of PPP, the State Street PriceStats Indicators have the advantage of using a common basket of ~250 goods matched across countries including food, electronics and fuel. Additionally, the State Street PriceStats series are high-frequency (daily values) and updated on a monthly basis with only a 3-day publication lag. The State Street PriceStats indicators build on the capabilities of State Street’s academic think tank, State Street Associates, a division of State Street Global Markets. SSA bridges the worlds of financial theory and practice, develops proprietary investment indicators, differentiated analytics applications and tailored investment strategies for institutional investors around the world.