DIGIMAX GLOBAL INC. announced that it has launched three new information or predictive services, all being served from the AI data engine first developed around CryptoHawk. The three
services include: CryptoHawk API - electronic sharing of CryptoHawk data and predictions Coindrop.Pro - Altcoin information service for investors and traders who are rewarded with airdrops
CommodityHawk - AI prediction of 10 separate commodities developed for institutional traders While Coindrop is primarily a retail targeted product, the others are increasingly targeting institutional markets that see CryptoHawk as one of the most credible AI-driven prediction providers available in the marketplace. CryptoHawk API; At the request of multiple trade "bot" builders and crypto exchanges expressing interest in partnering with CryptoHawk, DigiMax has launched an Application Programming Interface (API) to allow the seamless sharing of CryptoHawk data based on tiered subscriptions, licensing, and revenue sharing models. With the shifting characteristics of crypto trading from a fear-of-missing-out trend into a more mature and more institutional-based, analytical, and fundamental value trend, exchanges and other crypto service providers are seeking more professional analysis tools to assist their own customers in remaining engaged with the market and maintaining profitable crypto portfolios. DigiMax is in active discussion with three exchanges to deliver the value of its predictions to exchange traders using different methods, including and not limited to direct user billing, exchange-wide licensing, and affiliate-based revenue sharing. DigiMax hopes to commence these programs in the next quarter. CryptoHawk Pro subscribers can also access the API information to assist in evaluation and automation of their own personal trading of any of the cryptocurrencies followed by CryptoHawk. The API covers a wide range of data feeds including: Predictions Events with filters: Cryptocurrency, Prediction Category, From & To Dates, Record Limits, Favorites, Pagination & Record per Page. Altcoin Radar with filters; Watch-list or Blipping, Sort by Name, Crypto & Total Momentum, Ascending or Descending, History, Favorites. Trend Watch with filters: Sort by Name, Confidence & Crypto Symbol, Sort descending or ascending, History, Favorites Coindrop.Pro Following a soft launch in early May, after which DigiMax was able to make small modifications to adjust to user information needs, DigiMax will formally launch Coindrop.Pro with the introduction of the mobile app. The app is currently available as a web-based platform and is expected to be available as a mobile app on Google and Apple within the next month. For investors and traders, Coindrop.Pro is an in-depth information service about alternative cryptocurrency coins from around the world. The Coindrop.Pro app allows users to easily CLICK into the app, CONNECT with the coin's founders to learn more about the business behind the coin, and to COLLECT in their wallet an airdrop of a small number of coins to get started. For coin issuers, the Coindrop.Pro package offers also offers immediate integration with CryptoHawk that includes: Listing on the Featured List of Altcoin Radar, Email notification once per week to all CryptoHawk users and followers about the Featured Coins with links to the Coin websites, Optional Banner ads inside the CryptoHawk App, Free recognition in the CryptoHawk website CommodityHawk. DigiMax has completed a soft launch of CommodityHawk to several of its corporate and institutional commodity trading associates. The web-based application will be available for a free 15-day trial and subscription commencing June 1, 2022.