Soilbuild Construction Group Ltd. announced the Resignation of Mr. Ganessaraj Soocelaraj as Group Chief Executive Officer. Role And Responsibilities: Mr. Ganesh was responsible for the overall management and business development of the Company and the Group. Through his previous appointments across the Group, he has been instrumental in developing and charting the prefabrication, digital, sustainable, and innovation strategies to systematically improve operations for the Group.

Mr. Ganesh was pivotal in spearheading the setting up of the precast and prefabrication division for the Group, including setting up manufacturing facilities such as the automated precast plant at the Soilbuild Prefab Innovation Hub (also known as the Integrated Construction and Prefabrication Hub (‘ICPH')), the manufacturing facility for precast components in Pontian, Malaysia, and the precast yard at Pulau Punggol Timor in Singapore. To further amplify the significance of the prefabrication division within the construction value chain, he determinedly pushed towards successfully obtaining the prefabricated mechanical, electrical and plumbing (‘MEP') accreditation license issued by the Specialists Trade Alliance of Singapore (‘STAS') for the Group. His other significant contribution was the initiation of the Group's digitalisation journey, which continues to be a work in progress.

This effort was set in motion with a tiered digital roadmap for the Group, which has allowed the Group to discerningly evaluate the various digital platforms and technologies for incremental adoption and gestation over time. Mr. Ganesh steered the Group towards an organisational learning culture by beginning the collaboration vision with local institutions for research and development projects. A firm believer that the Group is in the people business, Mr. Ganesh was passionate about pursuing a Memorandum of Understanding (‘MOU') with Institute of Technical Education (‘ITE'), for providing relevant courses to support growing human capital with the critical skillsets needed in the construction industry.

The Group will provide its technical expertise to support ITE in developing their training curriculum and resources on precast and prefabrication processes as well as digital workflow in building construction. It will also share with ITE appropriate building information models (architectural, civil, structural, mechanical and electrical) to adopt as case studies so that their students can learn through real-world, authentic examples. Another initiative will be to co-develop and co-deliver training courses for adult learners and contribute towards upskilling those working in the Built Environment (‘BE') industry.

Other DirectorShips Past: Precast Concrete Pte. Ltd. Precast Concrete Builders Pte. Ltd. SB Procurement Pte.

Ltd. Soil-Build (Pte.) Ltd. Soilbuild Construction International Pte. Ltd. Soilbuild Construction Engineering Pte. Ltd. Soilbuild E&C Pte.

Ltd. Precast Concrete (M) Sdn Bhd Precast Concrete (Pontian) Sdn Bhd Precast Concrete Concrete Builder (India) Private Limited Solstice Development Pte. Ltd. Other DirectorShips Present: Futsalarena@Yishun Limited. Reason For Cessation: To pursue his personal interests.

The Audit Committee, Nominating Committee and the Board of Directors are not aware of any other material reasons for the resignation of Mr. Ganesh as the Group Chief Executive Officer (‘Group CEO') of Soilbuild Construction Group Ltd. (the ‘Company') and its subsidiaries (the ‘Group').