Resource Ventures Inc. announced the launch of the One Plant One Planet Inc. Roku TV Channel. The One Plant One Planet channel will be supported by Roku Inc.'s Roku TV network with over 10 million media streaming devices. Roku has 1,800 streaming channels and One Plant One Planet is the newest addition to the catalog.

With a thriving network in place, One Plant One Planet is filling a void regarding cannabis that has been long uninhabited by any other Roku TV channel. According to Parks Associates (recognized researcher) 37% of households with a streaming media system use Roku as their primary device. Roku has indicated that their own customers account for 37 million hours of video streamed per week.

One Plant One Planet will be a 24 hour streaming Roku channel with a constant supply of quality TV content and entertainment. Roku allows users to stream Pandora, Spotify, Netflix, YouTube, Hulu Plus, and Amazon Instant Video, all of which One Plant One Planet Inc. is looking forward to populating with its entertainment and media content. The contemplated lineup of content for One Plant One Planet Inc. is composed of the Daily Show, a program devised of Headline news, State and Federal Legislative Efforts, Industry interviews, Featured Dispensary or Retail Outlet, Editorial opinions, as well as Pop culture coverage.

All of the content from programs will be available via the On Demand archives for ease of access to viewers. Each segment will be professionally produced with the majority of segments requiring a lead producer. As interest continues to rise regarding Cannabis and the related subjects, goal is for One Plant One Planet Roku TV channel to become a lead source of content for the Cannabis demographic.

Resource Ventures Inc. plans to capitalize on this significant rise in interest, revenue generating mediums, and available content and access to cannabis.