Sipp Industries, Inc. announced its 4th distribution agreement for Major Hemp HIPA with Egizii Distributing Company, tapping into the popular central and southern Illinois craft beer market. Egizii is a distributor of alcoholic beverages based in the capital of Springfield, serving all markets south of the Chicago metropolitan area. Contained within this geographic region are a multitude of cities notable for their appreciation of craft beer, including Peoria, Bloomington, and Carbondale. Egizii’s distribution territory also comprises a large concentration of college towns replete with vast numbers of university students, a population with expansive social networks that is particularly inclined towards imbibing hemp-infused beer. The company has placed their initial order which is slated to arrive next week. Sipp Industries has now signed three new distributors during the past month, and reports that Major Hemp HIPA is being eagerly sought out by existing distributors and retail locations that continue to place reorders. In addition, new bars, restaurants and stores are regularly inquiring about becoming first-time customers.