SINTX Technologies, Inc. announced its Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Bryan J. McEntire, will be retiring at the end of 2021 after 17 years with the company. Dr. Ryan Bock will move into the role of Vice President of Research and Development (R&D) to take on the leadership of SINTX’s R&D activities. Following retirement, Dr. McEntire will continue supporting SINTX Technologies in the role of Emeritus Scientific Officer. Before joining SINTX, McEntire held various senior positions in notable ceramics and materials companies including Applied Materials, Saint-Gobain Industrial Ceramics Corporation, Norton/TRW Ceramics, and Ceramatec. Currently Director of R&D, Dr. Bock will continue biomaterial development efforts in addition to expanding application-focused research into antipathogenic and technical ceramic products as he steps into the role of Vice President of R&D when Dr. McEntire retires. Dr. Bock has supported SINTX through a variety of roles for 13 years and has an extensive background in advanced ceramics, colloid & surface science, and biomaterials.