Signature Metals Limited

ACN 106 293 190
10 December 2013
The Manager
Company Announcements Office
ASX Limited
Level 4, 20 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Signature Metals Limited (ASX: SBL) - Revised Trading Policy

The Board of Signature Metals Limited has approved amendments to its Trading Policy.
As required by ASX Listing Rule 12.10, I attach the updated Signature Metals Limited Trading
Yours sincerely,

Catherine Officer Company Secretary

10 Woolshed Gully Drive, Mt Clear Victoria 3350

Ph: (03) 5327 2616 Fax: (03) 5327 2556

Signature Metals Limited

ACN 106 293 190


This policy sets out the restrictions that apply to trading in the securities of Signature Metals Limited
(Signature) by employees of Signature, including Key Management Personnel (KMP).

1. Introduction

This Policy has been developed to:

Satisfy statutory and regulatory obligations;

Meet industry practice and market expectations; and

Manage the potential risk to Signature's reputation, having regard to the nature of its business.

For the purposes of this Policy, dealing includes, without limitation, securities transactions such as transfers of beneficial ownership and trading (either directly or indirectly).

2. Application

This policy applies to all Signature Staff, which includes:

Employees - all Executive and Non