Servcorp Limited announced that Mr. Rick Holliday-Smith has advised the Board that he will resign as a non-executive Director of Servcorp Limited, effective 30 April 2020. After more than 20 years as a Director, Rick has decided that it is time to retire from his Servcorp Director duties. The Chairman advises that Mr. Tony McGrath will take over the role of Audit and Risk Committee Chairman, and noted Tony has been working closely with the Committee in anticipation of this change over. Rick has been a Director of Servcorp since its IPO in 1999 and his contribution, especially as Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee, has been immeasurable. His fellow Board Members and Servcorp's Senior Executives have greatly valued his guidance over that time. My colleagues and I are extremely grateful for Rick's invaluable service over more than 20 years.