SenzaGen announced the continuation of its collaboration with the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM). Backed by a new grant of SEK 1.5 million, SenzaGen will conduct further testing of various substances using its innovative GARD skin Dose-Response test method to determine safe dose levels concerning skin sensitization. The grant was received in June and the testing will be performed at the company's GLP-certified laboratory in Lund.

RIFM is a large international research institute at the forefront of the safe use of fragrance materials used in consumer products. Their scientific assessments assist the consumer product industries in understanding and managing the safe use of fragrance-producing substances. The GARD skin Dose-Response test method is unique, providing quantitative data that eliminates the need for animal testing when determining the concentration at which skin sensitizing substances can be used without causing allergies.

This offers critical information for companies in the cosmetics, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries, aiding in research and development decision-making.