Sensus Healthcare, Inc. announced Sensus Cloud. This powerful cloud-based platform offers new innovative features that will revolutionize how healthcare providers monitor treatment progression, manage assets, and safeguard patient data. Sensus Cloud offers a comprehensive, cloud-based asset and EMR (electronic medical record) management platform that will provide patient information to physicians to assist with treatment plan development.

Built on an intuitive, easy- to-navigate interface, Sensus Cloud provides real-time status information about device use, number of patients treated, treatment types, serums used, service/maintenance information, system reporting/analytics, and patient images. The software service collects pertinent information from each machine so there is no need to manually enter information or use two separate systems -- one to treat patients and another to track them. This allows for automatic appointment scheduling and billing.

Unlock patient health insights with real-time chat GPT: Sensus Healthcare will host its private OpenAI engine with HIPAA-compliant training data models. This will allow providers to access critical patient health data in real-time with natural language queries integrated into asset and EMR management features. This technology, powered by OpenAI technology, enables healthcare providers to gain an unprecedented level of insight into their patients' health status.

This information assists clinicians to develop informed decisions about their patient's care and treatment. With this innovative tool, healthcare providers can now make faster, more accurate decisions that could lead to improved and more targeted treatments for their patients. Sensus Cloud will provide optional predictive analytics which allows healthcare providers to anticipate potential issues and treatment options based on current trends and patterns.

Furthermore, the platform allows healthcare providers to collaborate on treatments and develop evidence-based protocols, tailored to individual patients' needs and preferences. Sensus Cloud features multi-factor authentication, which adds an extra layer of security to protect user accounts in addition to encryption at rest technologies to ensure data safety. Sensus Cloud also includes monitoring features that can alert users when changes are made to their data or assets.

This ensures that unauthorized access is detected quickly and corrective action can be taken, keeping patient information safe at all times. Sensus Healthcare will be demonstrating Sensus Cloud at the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Annual Meeting in New Orleans on March 17 – 19, 2023.