Regulatory News :

SEB S.A. (Paris:SK) :

  • Issuer
Corporate name SEB S.A.
Registered office Chemin du Petit Bois - BP 172 - 69134 Ecully cedex - France
Stockmarket Euronext Paris - A
ISIN FR0000120709
  • Numbers of shares and voting rights
30 November 2012 31 December 2012
Shares in Euronext 50 169 049 50 169 049
Total voting rights gross (1) 73 963 155 73 948 079
Total voting rights net 71 849 864 71 897 977

(1) Including voting rights attached to shares for which the right is revoked (own controlled shares, …)

  • Included in SEB S.A.'s by-laws a clause imposing an obligation to declare crossing thresholds in addition to those relating to legal thresholds, all 2.5 % of capital or voting rights.

Société Anonyme au capital de 50 169 049 € I 300 349 636 R.C.S Lyon I T.V.A FR 12300349636
Service Actionnaires I Chemin du Petit Bois I BP 172 - 69134 ECULLY Cedex France I T.+33 (0)4 72 18 16 41 • Fax +33 (0)4 72 18 15 98

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