Scout24 AG voluntarily repaid EUR 50 million of its revolving credit facility at the end of last year. In total, the Company thus repaid EUR 85 million in 2018. The latest repayment reduced the amount drawn from the revolving credit facility (RCF I) from EUR 70 million to EUR 20 million. As a result, annual interest expenses decreased by EUR 525,000, based on the current interest rate. At the same time, the repayment increases the amount that can be drawn from the revolving credit facility to EUR 180 million, thus affording Scout24 greater financial flexibility. The repayment was funded in full from surplus cash and cash equivalents. This second early loan repayment from cash and cash equivalents within a year clearly underscores the ability of the company to generate high cash flows from its operating activities. The company is hereby once again improving its capital structure as well as its financing costs, taking it another step closer to its target leverage range of between 1.5:1 and 1.0:1.