All parts of the definitive agreements between Scandinavian Enviro Systems (publ) ("Enviro" or "The Company") and Michelin concerning the announced strategic partnership have not yet been fully negotiated. Accordingly, Enviro will not be convening an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) for approval of the agreements in January as previously announced. Both Enviro and Michelin expect that the agreements will be fully negotiated in the near future. As previously communicated, the agreements must first be approved by Enviro's owners at an EGM before they can enter into force. In December 2020, Enviro announced that the company and Michelin had agreed on the key principles for a strategic partnership. The key principles communicated at that time covered the terms for the establishment of a first jointly owned recycling plant and a license agreement regulating the terms of use of Enviro's recycling technology and subsequent compensation. Since December, the parties have continued to negotiate the definitive agreements that will form the basis for the strategic partnership. The ambition was to complete the negotiations so that Enviro's Board of Directors could convene an EGM in January, which was also communicated by the company. Both Enviro and Michelin want to emphasise that the delay will not affect the plans for a strategic partnership.