

Ref: Current report - request to supplement the agenda of EGSM

Current report according to

CNVM Regulation no. 1/2006 on issuers and operations with securities and Law no 297/2004 on capital market

Date of report


Company Name


Head Office:

Sibiu, Piaţa Aurel Vlaicu, nr. 9-10, et.III


0269-211.799 / 0269-211.153

Unique Identification Number


Order Number at Trade Register


Subscribed and paid up share capital

33.427.926 lei

Regulated market where issuer's securities are traded

the regulated spot market administered by SIBEX

Important events to report- request to supplement the agenda of EGSM

In compliance with the stipulations of Law 297/2004 on capital market and of CNVM Regulation no. 1/2006 on issuers and operations with securities, please be informed upon the following:

SIBEX-Sibiu Stock Exchange informs the shareholders that on April 04, 2016, SIF Transilvania, holding 1.714.283 shares issued by SIBEX-Sibiu Stock Exchange, representing 5, 1283% of SIBEX share capital, sent a request to supplement the agenda of the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting convened for April 28/29, 2016 with new items.

The request mentioned above is attached to the present current report.

SIBEX Board of Directors will analyze the request received and shall take the necessary actions, in compliance with the legal stipulations in force.

Deputy CEO Cristina Munteanu



SIF Transilvania registration no. 2443/01.04.2016 SIBEX registration no. 417/04.04.2016

To: Sibex - Sibiu Stock Exchange Attn: SIBEX Board of Directors Ref: request to add new items on the agenda of EGSM

SIF TRANSILVANIA, with its registered office in Brasov, 2 Nicolae Iorga Street, having the unique identification number RO 3047687, registered at Brasov Trade Registry under no. J08/3306/1992, legally represented by Mr. Stan Iulian as Vice-President of the Executive Board

-Deputy CEO and Mr. Marius Adrian Moldovan as Vice-President of the Executive Board- Deputy CEO , as shareholder of SIBEX-Sibiu Stock Exchange, holding 1.714.283 shares, with a nominal value of 1,00 leu/share, representing 5,1283% of SIBEX share capital

Considering the stipulations of art. 1171 of Law no. 31/1990, republished, subsequently amended and supplemented, is requesting to supplement the agenda of the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting, convened for April 28/29.2016, with the following items:

Grant a mandate the Board of Directors in view of taking the necessary steps for drafting the Project for the merger by absorption between Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) as absorbing Company and SIBEX-Sibiu Stock Exchange as absorbed Company, based on the financial results as of 31.12.2015 of each company. The Project will be submitted for approval to the shareholders of SIBEX-Sibiu Stock Exchange within the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting subsequently convened.

Set a period of 120 calendar days from the date of the present Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting so as to draft and submit the merger Project to the Trade Registry Office in view of being published into the Official Journal of Romania.

Empower SIBEX Board of Directors, so as together with BVB Board of Directors to choose and appoint the specialized expert for assessing the entities involved into the merger process by absorption, in view of determining the report on issued shares exchange.

Attached to the hereby request there is:

Statement of account issued by BRD-Groupe Societe General Bucuresti acknowledging SIF Transilvania holdings as of 31.03.2016.

Ascertaining certificate issued by Trade Registry Office regarding the legal representatives of SIF Transilvania and certificate of Incorporation registered at Brasov Trade Registry

Resolution draft

Vice-President of the Executive Board Vice-President of the Executive Board Deputy CEO Deputy CEO

Dr. ec. Iulian STAN ec. Marius Adrian MOLDOVAN

Resolution draft

For the agenda of SIBEX Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting convened for April 28/29, 2016, supplemented at the request of SIF TRANSILVANIA

With the majority of votes stipulated by law and by the Articles of Incorporation of the company, the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting, legally convened on April 28/29, 2016, decides:


  1. Approves to grant a mandate to the Board of Directors in view of taking the necessary steps for drafting the Project for the merger by absorption between Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) as absorbing Company and SIBEX-Sibiu Stock Exchange as absorbed Company, based on the financial results as of 31.12.2015 of each company. The Project will be submitted for approval to the shareholders of SIBEX-Sibiu Stock Exchange within the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting subsequently convened.

  2. Approves to set a period of 120 calendar days from the date of the present Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting so as to draft and submit the merger Project to the Trade Registry Office in view of being published into the Official Journal of Romania.

  3. Approves to empower SIBEX Board of Directors, so as together with BVB Board of Directors to choose and appoint the specialized expert for assessing the entities involved into the merger process by absorption, in view of determining the report on issued shares exchange.

President of the meeting Secretariat EGSM

Sibex - Sibiu Stock Exchange SA issued this content on 04 April 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 04 April 2016 15:23:24 UTC

Original Document: http://www.sibex.ro/comunicate/comunicate/emitenti/en/160404_1.pdf