BTS-SIRI have proclaimed a long-term rewarding partnership, announcing 25 new condominiums along the route of Bangkok's mass transit systems, all worth One Trillion Baht in the next five years

Two top Thai companies from different industries - 'BTS Group' from public mass transit and 'Sansiri' from real estate development - have announced a phenomenal alliance that will translate into a strategic partnership between the two companies for the next five years. The BTS-SIRI partnership plans to launch a total of 25 exciting new condominium projects along the routes of Bangkok's mass transit systems, worth around One Trillion Baht in total. Of these 25 new projects, four pioneering THE LINE projects and another key project at the heart of Bangkok are in the pipeline for their respective unveilings this year. The two partners will also strengthen their alliance by combining forces with their affiliated companies. For example, VGI Global Media will lend its advertising and marketing expertise to help promote businesses of the two partners. Rabbit Card will contribute to creating an urban lifestyle of the future. Plus Property will help with its research and development capability. Moreover, Sansiri's long-standing marketing expertise in overseas markets, together with, the personal reputation of BTS Group Founder Keree Kanjanapas who is a highly prominent figure among overseas investors especially in Hong Kong - both will contribute to increasing confidence of foreign buyers. Executives of both leading companies believe this strategic alliance will become a sustainably rewarding partnership that continues to be fruitful for both parties now and into the future.

BTS Group Holdings Plc. (BTS), revealed that, "We are delighted to announce the BTS-SIRI alliance that will result in our long-term collaboration over the next five years. Under joint-ventures equally owned by the two companies, we plan to launch a total of 25 new residential condominium projects, valued at approximately One Trillion Baht."

"The solid financial foundation of BTS which has been geared up for expansion in our mass transit business, together with our teams of professional workforce and the large number of land plots in prime locations under our ownership - when combined with the proven real estate development expertise of Sansiri - it's exciting to see what the future will bring. We plan to co-develop 25 new condominium projects in total along the routes of Bangkok's mass transit systems, all valued around One Trillion Baht over the course of five years. Starting from the second half of this year, we plan to unveil a total of five new projects co-developed by BTS and SIRI."

BTS Group further noted that, "In addition, affiliated companies of BTS Group will also play a role in supporting the growth of our strategic partnership. For example, our Rabbit Card, currently running with over 3.7 million cardholders and over 2,500 Rabbit card readers, will lead the way in creating a desirable urban condominium lifestyle for our customers. Our VGI Global Media company will also contribute to generating greater marketing opportunities, helping us to reach out to prospective customers who commute with Bangkok's mass transit systems."

Sansiri Plc. (SIRI), stated that, "BTS Sansiri Holding One Co., Ltd. was established earlier this year as a 100-Million-Baht joint venture equally owned by BTS Group Holdings Plc. and Sansiri Plc. Its first project, THE LINE Jatujak-Mochit became an immense success with all units completely sold out in the first day of presales, which took place simultaneously in three cities - Bangkok, Hong Kong and Singapore. This response from overseas markets was simply overwhelming, especially in Hong Kong where Khun Keeree Kanjanapas is a prominent and highly respected business figure. This of course contributed greatly to the impressive sales success of this project."

"Today, we are proud to announce yet another deeper collaboration between BTS Group and Sansiri, marking a strategic long-term business partnership for the next five years. Together, we plan to launch 25 new projects, valued at One Trillion Baht in total. This year, we will start with four THE LINE projects - 'THE LINE Sukhumvit 71', 'THE LINE Wongsawang', 'THE LINE Phahonyothin Park', 'THE LINE Petchaburi 18' - and another key project at the heart of Bangkok - all of which are worth approximately 20,000 Million Baht and will be unveiled during the second half of 2015.", explained Sansiri.

The next in line to be launched this early August is 'THE LINE Sukhumvit 71', which is developed by BTS Sansiri Holding Three Co., Ltd. Created under the concept of 'Opportunity is Everything', THE LINE Sukhumvit 71 is destined to be a high-rise condominium complex with fully furnished units available to choose from. It is also conveniently located only 400 metres from BTS 'Phra Khanong' Station.

Furthermore, Plus Property, an affiliated company of Sansiri, has also been tasked to work with BTS Group in conducting in-depth research on understanding consumer needs.

The powerful partnership between BTS and SIRI has sent shockwaves throughout the Thai real estate industry, triggering high expectations for a constant flow of new condominium properties along the routes of Bangkok's mass transit systems. This will eventually translate into greater benefits for consumers as there will be many more high-quality residential properties available along the highly desirable locations near the city's mass transit systems - allowing them to enjoy Bangkok's urban life to the full and inviting them to indulge into a cosmopolitan lifestyle at its best.

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