Safe Orthopaedics reports sales of 5.8 ME for fiscal year 2022, up 26% on the previous year. Business was driven by growth in direct sales (+43%), indirect sales (+6%) and subcontracted production sales (+20%).

2022 ends with double-digit growth and a record quarter of sales of 1.6 million euros, driven by our two entities, Safe Orthopaedics and Safe Medical', comments Pierre Dumouchel, Chairman and CEO of Safe Group.

' After two years of investment in our Safe Medical production sites, we are approaching 2023 with serenity. Our technologies are now 100% produced in-house, eliminating any risk of disruption during the growth phase", adds the CEO.

The company is also counting on the worldwide launches of Sycamore and Hickory, its partnership with Wenzel in the USA and the development of SORA to target 'solid growth prospects in a global market increasingly receptive to the benefits of Ready-to-Use'.

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