US regulators gave a glimpse at how about 125 financial firms propose to wind themselves down if they were to collapse. Royal Bank of Canada (TSX:RY) (RBC) said it would likely sell assets operated through its capital markets division into the market rather than seeking a single buyer for that unit. RBS said if it were to face failure, it would look to shed its US operations.

Banco Santander, S.A.'s (CATS:SAN) preference would be to sell everything to a single large bank. Prudential Financial, Inc.'s (NYSE:PRU) failure would see its financial units dumping their outstanding derivatives positions in bankruptcy, while its more traditional insurance arms would be rehabilitated through their primary state regulators, the insurer said. Prudential said in a statement that its plan - most of which will only be seen by the regulators - demonstrates that "if necessary, Prudential could be resolved in a rapid and orderly fashion without creating systemic risk."