RocketBoots Limited announced that it has commenced three new trials in New Zealand, each with a different customer, which provide customers with improved loss prevention capabilities and RocketBoots with an opportunity to significantly increase recurring revenue streams if successfully converted to contracts (estimated to be in excess of $500,000 ARR). Overview: RocketBoots is commencing a trial with a NZ grocery retailer for its Beehive self- checkout loss prevention software; RocketBoots is commencing a trial with a NZ homewares retailer for its Beehive software for loss prevention; RocketBoots is commencing a second trial with a major NZ retailer for a second Beehive software product for loss prevention. This trial will run using already deployed and paid for Beehive hardware that was used to trial the Beehive self-checkout loss prevention software; All trials are paid; All trials and business case reviews will run over the next 3-6 months; and Successful conversion of trials would result in deployments to approximately 230 stores across NZ and would significantly increase recurring revenues for the business (estimated to be in excess of $500,000 ARR).

Update on previously announced Trials: RocketBoots continues all trials previously announced to the ASX platform and will provide further updates on the progress of these as they develop.