426,301,923 Shares of Robosense Technology Co., Ltd are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 4-JUL-2024. These Shares will be under lockup for 182 days starting from 4-JAN-2024 to 4-JUL-2024.

Lock-up undertakings have also been given by each of our existing Shareholders (the ?Lock-up Undertaking?) other than the Warranting Shareholders which have given lock-up undertakings in the Hong Kong Underwriting Agreement. Pursuant to the Lock-up Undertakings, they will not and, will procure that none of companies controlled by them (whether through equity or board control) or any nominee or trustee holding in trust for them will, at any time during the period commencing on their respective effective date which in any event shall not be later than the Listing Date and ending on and including the date that is six months after the Listing Date (the ?Lock-up Period?).