The board of directors of Risecomm Group Holdings Limited announced that Ms. Chen Shuiying has tendered her resignation as an executive Director and a member of the nomination committee of the Company (the ``Nomination Committee'') in order to devote more time on the business affair of the Group at subsidiary level with effect from 26 October 2023. After the resignation, Ms. Chen will continue to hold the current positions in the fellow subsidiaries of the Group, namely a director, a vice president and the financial controller of Risecomm Microelectronics (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. and a director of each of Risecomm (HK) Holding Co.

Limited and Risecomm (HK) Technology Co. Limited. The Board hereby further announces that, following Ms. Chen's resignation as a member of the Nomination Committee, Ms. Guo Lei, the chairman of the Board and an executive Director, has been appointed as a member of the Nomination Committee with effect from 26 October 2023.