Quickbit announced that it has entered into a partnership with the investment company RightBridge Ventures Group, which focuses on Esports and Gaming. The collaboration aims to utilize RightBridge's expertise, market knowledge and reach within the Gaming segment to effectively expand the customer base for both Quickbit Pay and Quickbit App. Quickbit has, as a result of its strategy and market work, identified Esports and Gaming as a segment with high potential for growth.

Due to that, Quickbit is now increasing its focus on effectively penetrating the segment by targeting both consumers, gamers, platforms and enterprises. As part of that effort, RightBridge will assist Quickbit with its expertise to develop a strategy and execution plan to achieve rapid growth in Esports and Gaming. RightBridge will also implement Quickbit Pay as a solution in its portfolio companies where cryptocurrency payments are requested.

This will create clear proof-of-concepts within the segment and also mean profitable business opportunities for both parties from the start. In addition, Quickbit App will be applied within RightBridge's network, where there is a need for that type of product.