(Company Registration No.: 198701138Z)


The Board of Directors of RH Petrogas Limited (the "Company") refers to its announcement (SGXNET Announcement No. 14) issued on 16 October 2013 and wishes to provide an update that the Company's wholly owned subsidiaries Petrogas (Basin) Ltd. ("PBL") and RHP Salawati Basin B.V.("RHPSB"), in coordination with SKK Migas (Satuan Kerja Khusus Minyak dan Gas), have completed the drilling and testing of Klagalo-1 exploration well ("Klagalo-1") in the Basin PSC, located in West Papua, Indonesia.
The well tested and recovered fluid with up to 7% oil from three intervals within the Kais Limestone reservoir. Post well evaluation conducted among PSC partners concluded the oil discovery in Klagalo-1 to be non-commercial.
Mr Francis Chang, Chief Executive Officer, commented, "Although Klagalo-1 turned out to be a non- commercial discovery, the knowledge gained from the well will provide valuable information as the Company and its PSC partners continue to evaluate other exploration opportunities in the nearby area. For 2014, besides exploration, one of the main areas the Company will focus on and work closely with its PSC partners is to prepare a Plan of Development ("POD") for each of the North Klalin and Southeast Walio field discoveries within the Basin block, and once finalised, the POD will be submitted to the relevant authorities for approval. Approval of the POD for the two fields would contribute significantly to the Company's proven reserves and will add-on production quickly. Currently, some of the exploration and appraisal wells drilled in these fields have either been put on production ("POP") or will soon be POP while the POD process is on-going."
RH Petrogas Limited has an aggregate 60% working interest in the Basin PSC through its wholly owned subsidiaries Petrogas (Basin) Ltd. and RHP Salawati Basin B.V.. Meanwhile its partners, PetroChina International (Bermuda) Ltd., holds a 30% participating interest in the Basin PSC and PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Salawati holds the balance 10%. The consortium, as contractor of Indonesian government operating under the supervision of SKK Migas (Satuan Kerja Khusus Minyak dan Gas), has actively explored and produced oil and gas in the working area.
Oil and gas exploration, development and production are expensive, high-risk and complicated operations. Shareholders and investors are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the shares of the Company.


RH Petrogas Limited ("RHP") is an independent upstream oil and gas company headquartered in Singapore. RHP is listed on the mainboard of the Singapore Stock Exchange and is focused on exploration, development and production of oil and gas deposits.RHP has producing, development and exploration blocks in Indonesia, China and Malaysia.
RHP aspires to be a leading independent oil and gas company in the region and is actively looking for further growth opportunities in the sector.
BY ORDER OF THE BOARD Chang Cheng-Hsing Francis
Group CEO & Executive Director
29 January 2014

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