16 Jan. 2014 15:53 No. 1861 P l


Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Perth Canberra Darwin Hong Kong



Company Announcements Office

ASX Lhnited

Exchange Centre

20 Bridge Street


1300 135 638

16 January 2014

No ofpages 5

Dear Sir/Madam

Notice of change of interests of substantial holder- Resource Generation Limited

We act for Noble Group Limited (Noble).

In aocordance with section 671B(l)(b) ofthe Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), we attach a Form 604 (Notice of change ofinterest ofsubstantial holder) from Noble and its associates. We will also provide a copy ofthe Form 604 to Resource Generation Limited.

Yours faithfully

fo 1M;

Rory Moriarty, Partner

+61 2 9353 4764


Level15, 1 Bligh Street, Sydney NSW 2000. Australia

PO Box H3, Australia Square, Sydney NSW 1215, DX 370 Sydney


T +61 2 9353 4000, F +61 2 8220 6700

16 Jan. 2014 15:53 N o. 18 61 p 2

Form 604

Corporatlons Acl2001
Sectlon 671B

Notice of change of interests of substantial holder

!Q Company Name/Scheme Resource Generatlon Limited (ResGen) ACN/ARSN ACN 059 950 337

604 page1/2 15 July 2001

1. Dotali& of substantlal holdtr (1)

Barsin ton Limlted (Bonotngton) and Noble Resources lnternational Pte. Ltd. (Noble Rosour< élllntornallonat) on their own behalf end on behalf of each or the companioslisled In Annexure A (Noble Group Companles)
ACN/ARSN (ilapplicable) Notappllcable
There was a change in the lnter .sts of the substantlal holder on
The prevlous notice was 9iven lo the compeny on
The prevlous notlce was dated
2. Prevlouo and preaont votlng power

9 January 2014

22 October 2013
22 Oetober 2013
The total number of votes attached to ali the voting shares in the eompany or voting lnterests in the seheme that the substantial holder or an associate (2) had a
relevant interest (3) in when last réqulred, and when now required, lo glve a su slantlal holding nolice lo lhe oompany or soheme, are •• follows:
Closs of seeurities (4)
Prevlous natica Present notice
Pen;on's votes

l Votlns power (S)


l Voling power (6)


3. Changes In relevanttnterests

Partlculars of each change In, or change in the nature of. a relevant lnterest of the substanllal holder or an associate in votlng securkles ofthe company or scheme, slnce the substantial holder was last required to givo a substantial holding notlce lo the company or soheme are as follows:
1n eres change (S
g1ve 1
1on securities
ordlnary shares

16 Jan. 2014 15:53 N o. 18 61 p 3

4. Presonl retovanltntoreata

Partieutars of eaeh relevant lnterest of the substantlal hotder in voling securities after the ehange are as follows·

Holder ol relevant lnterest

Reglstered nolder of securltles

Person entitled to be registered as hotder (8)

Nature ol relevant interest (6)

Class and number of securities

Person's votes

Noble Fiesources lnternational

Noble Resourees tnternatlonal

Nobte Rasourees lnternatlonal

Noble Resources lnternationat is thè registered hOidar of

79,609,933 ResGen shares

and so has a relevant interest under seetlon

608(1) of the Aet In respect of those shares.

79,609,933 ordinary shares



Noble Resourees lnternational

Noble Resources lnternatlonol

aarsington ls an associate of Noble Resourees tnternatlonal under section

12(2)(a) of the Acland so

has a relevant interest under seetion 608(3)(a) of the Act In the FiesGen shares hetd by Ncbte Resourcestnternational.

79,609,933 or


Eaoh NoDie Group


Noble Resourees lnternationol

Noble Fiesources lnternationol

eaeh Nobte Group

Company is an associate ol Noble Fiesourees lnternational under sectlon

12(2)(a) of the Act and so has a relovant interest under section 608(S)(a) of the Aclin the ResGen shares hetd by Noble Resourcos lnternatlonat,


ordinary !iihliii'EI&


604 paga 212 15 Juty 2001
s. Change& In assoctatton
The persons who have beoome assoclates (2) of, ceased to be associate& of, or have changed the nature of their assoclation (9) with, the substantial holder In relatlon to voting interests In the compony or scheme are •• fottows:

Name and ACN/ARSN (if appllcable)

Nature of association

Not applicabte

Not appticable

&. Addresses

The addresses of pe111ons named In this form are as fotlows:




c/o 18/F MassMutual Tower, 38 Gloucester Fioad, Hong Kong

NoblResources lnternationat

c/o 18/F MassMutuat Tower, 38 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong

Each Noble Group Company

Cio 18/F MassMutual Tower, 38 Glouoeoter Road, Hong Kong


print name Rory Moriarty capaoity Partner, Clayton Utz
eign hert dote 16 January 2014


tfthere are a number ohubstantial holders wlth slmilar orrelated relevant lnterests (eg. a corporation and lts related oorporatlons, or the manager and trustee of an equity trust), the names could be lncluded in an annexure to thelorm. lf the relevant interests of a group of persons are essentially slmllar, they may be n;ferred to tnroughout thelorm as a specifically named group if the membership of each sroup, with the names and addresses of membere is clearly sei out in paragraph 6 o!the form.

16 Jan. 2014 15:53 N o. 18 61 p 4

(2) See the deflnltlon of " $ ooiate'' in sectlon 9 of the Corporation& Acl2001.

(3) See the definitlon of 'lelevant interest" In seetions 608 and 6718(7) of the Corporations Act 2001. (4) The voting shares of a company constitute one class unless divided into separate elasses.
(5) The person's votes dlvided by the total votes in the body corporale or sehome multiplled by 100.
(6) Include detalls of:


any relevant asreement or other eircumstanees becauso ofwhlch the ehange in re1evant lnterest ooourred. lf subsectlon 6718(4) applles, a eopy of any document sertlng out the terms of any relevant agreement, and a statement by the person giving full and accurate detalls of any eontract, scheme or arrangement, must accompany this lonn, together wlth a writton statement certitying this contrae!, scherno or arransement; and
any quallflcatlon of tho power of a person to oxercise, control the oxorci&e of, or lnfluenoe the exerclse of, tho votlng powers or dispose! olthe securltles to which the relevant lnterest relatas (lndleatlng clearly the panlcular securities to whlch the qualification applles),
Soe the deflnltlon of "relevant agreement" in sectlon 9 of the Corporations Act 2001.
(7) Cetails ofthe consideration must includo ony andali benefits, money and other, that any person !rom whom a relevant lnterest was acqulred has, or may, become antltled to reooive In relatlon to that acqulsltlon. Details must be lnclu<:led even if the benefit is condltlonal on the happening or not of a contingency. Details must be Include<:l on any beneflt pald on behalf of the substantial holder or its associate In relatlon to the acqulsltlons, even lfthey are not pald dlrectly to the person from whom the relevant intorest was acqulred.


lf the substantial holder ls unablo to determino the identity ofthe person (eg. ifthe relevant interest arlses because of an optlon) write "unknown'".

(9) Glve detalls, ilappropriate, of thil presant association and any ehango in that assoclation since the la$ substantlal holding notice.

16 Jan. 2014 15:53 No. 1861 P 5

Annexure A

This is the Annexure A referred to in the Form 604 (Notlce of change of interests of substantial holder) signed by me end dated 16 January 2014.


Rory Morlarty

Partner, Clayton Utz

Noble Group Companles (other than Barsington L.lmited and Nobili: Resources lnternational Pte. Ltd.)

Noble Group Limited

Asia Rainbow lnternational L.imited Chongqing Xinfu Food Co., Ltd Cocaf lvolre SA

Evera Sociedad Anonima Comerical Hamada Construction Engineering Limited Janvel Pty Limited

Longkou Xinlong Edible Oil Co., Ltd. Lonner Pty Limited

Ming Fat lnternational Oil & Fat Chemieal (Tal

Xing) Company Limited

Moony Hili Limited

Nantong Noble Grain and Protein Co., Ltd. Noble Americas Corp.

Noble Americas Energy Solutions LLC

Noble Americas Gas & Power Corp. Noble Americas Resources Corp. Noble Argentina S.A.

Noble Brasil SA Noble Chartering lne. Noble Clean Fuels Llmited

Noble Mount lnvestments Limited

Noble Netherlands B.V.

Noble Paraguay Sociedad Anonima

Noble Petro lne.

Noble Resources Group Limlted

Noble Resources Limited

Noble Resources Netherlands B.V. Noble Resources Pte. Ltd.

Noble Resources SA

Noble Resources South Africa (Proprietary) Limited

Noble Resources UK Limited Onglory Pty Limlted Parmenter Limited

Pioneer Goal Limited

PT Henrison Jnti Persada

PT Pelayaran Nasional Tanjungriau Servis

Qinzhou Dayang Cereals and Oils Company Limited

Satellite 1-LC

Summer Fortune Limited

Territory Resources Limited

distributed by