• RSM is targeting domestic sales of 110,000 vehicles and enhanced profitability.
  • RSM will seek to maintain top-level customer satisfaction thanks to an ongoing proactive quality management campaign.
  • RSM will seek to consolidate its status as the Renault-Nissan Alliance's Asian hub by delegating talented engineers to work overseas

Renault Samsung Motors profited from its 2012 Management Conference on January 10 to present its business plan for 2012, as well as its mid- to long-term vision. The conference was held in the presence of more than 400 senior managers and executives. The company announced its intention to 1) drive qualitative growth thanks to enhanced profitability, 2) increase its presence in its local and global markets by maintaining its leadership in the field of electric vehicles and by expanding its product line-up, 3) maintain the customer satisfaction index lead it has enjoyed for 11 consecutive years thanks to an ongoing proactive quality management campaign and 4) reinforce its status as the Renault-Nissan Alliance's Asian hub.

Enhance profitability for qualitative growth

RSM plans to expand the local sourcing of parts with a target of 80 percent of parts to be provided by domestic suppliers by 2013. It will also seek to achieve further cost savings and, consequently, higher profitability in a bid to sustain growth despite the global economic crisis and the market downturn expected in 2012. The company will step up its bid to improve profitability thanks to the cost cutting and inventory reduction processes implemented when its current CEO Francois PROVOST joined the company. The objective will be to target qualitative rather than quantitative growth.

A bigger presence in local and global markets by maintaining leadership in the field of electric vehicles (EV) and by expanding its product line-up

RSM plans to raise the competitiveness of its line-up with the launch of the electric SM3 and by diversifying its product line-up. The target is to sell 110,000 vehicles in the local market this year. At the same time, it will seek to improve profitability and consolidate its lead in the EV market thanks to a product line-up tailored to achieve qualitative growth and by expanding its export business.

RSM is expected to achieve significant qualitative growth in 2012, which will help transform the company into a competitive player thanks to its leadership in the EV industry, as well as to its expertise in advanced technologies in both local and global markets between 2014 and 2016.

Maintain the customer satisfaction index lead it has enjoyed for 11 consecutive years thanks to an ongoing proactive quality management campaign

RSM will pursue its efforts to raise the quality of its products in a bid to maintain the customer satisfaction index lead it has enjoyed for the past 11 years. The company will continue to view quality as a top priority, which will in turn strengthen the competitiveness of its products.

Delegate talented engineers to work with Renault-Nissan Alliance networks overseas

RSM plans to dispatch highly skilled engineers to work in a variety of countries where the Renault-Nissan Alliance operates in order to reinforce its status as the Alliance's Asian hub.

"Renault Samsung Motors' biggest asset is its employees", said Francois PROVOST, CEO of RSM. "I believe that our continuing efforts to increase local content and raise profitability will help us through the current difficulties. RSM will focus on qualitative growth in a bid to make another leap forward in 2012. I firmly believe that we can achieve substantial growth this year by improving our profitability."

For further information:
- Corporate Communications Manager: Young-Hwan CHEON
- PR Manager: Hwa-Joo HAN
- PR Staff: So-Yeon LEE (+82-2 -3707-5376, 5368, 5383)

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