FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - The specifications published the previous day for e-prescriptions to also be dispensed by mail-order pharmacies have given Redcare Pharmacy shares new momentum. They had already risen in late trading the previous day and this has now continued with a further increase of 3.2 percent. The share price had retreated somewhat since mid-February, but is now heading back towards its previous high since the end of 2021. Since Monday's low, the shares have gained almost 22% in value.

Gematik, the agency responsible for the introduction of e-prescriptions, announced on Thursday afternoon that the shareholders' meeting had approved the specifications for dispensing e-prescriptions via smartphone without a PIN. According to Hauck & Aufhäuser analyst Christian Salis, the "eHealth CardLink solution" is of crucial importance for online pharmacies, as it makes it much easier to fill prescriptions online. This is extremely positive news for Redcare.

The Swiss-listed shares of competitor DocMorris have also benefited from the news since Thursday afternoon. On Friday, however, their share price in Zurich fell by around one percent./tih/mis