Group, Inc. announced the launch of its latest offering - the trailblazing course, "Recruiting with ChatGPT." This innovative course (offered for $199) empowers talent acquisition professionals with cutting-edge techniques for maximizing the use of artificial intelligence in their recruitment. The launch of "Recruiting with ChatGPT" signals the official opening of's new training marketplace, Recruiting Classes by, designed to provide recruiters and talent acquisition professionals exclusive upskilling content and opportunities. This first comprehensive course on ChatGPT covers all critical areas of ChatGPT in recruitment, including candidate sourcing, recruitment marketing, and assessments.

Recruiting Classes by takes training and upskilling experience to the next level with a unique revenue-sharingagreement for content creators. By partnering with leading experts and third-party content creators, aims to expand its training offerings and provide recruiters with a comprehensive, world-class training experience.