Inactive Instrument

Company Puget Energy, Inc.




Multiline Utilities

End-of-day quote Nyse
- USD - Intraday chart for Puget Energy, Inc.

Business Summary

Puget Energy, Inc. (Puget Energy) is an energy services holding company. The Company operates through its subsidiary, Puget Sound Energy, Inc. (PSE), a utility company. PSE is an electric and natural gas utility primarily engaged in the business of electric transmission, distribution, generation and natural gas distribution. It provides electric and natural gas service in a territory covering approximately 6,000 square miles, principally in the Puget Sound region. At December 31, 2017, its electric power resources, which include company-owned or controlled resources, as well as those under long-term contract, had a total capacity of approximately 4,737 megawatts (MW). It holds firm transportation capacity on pipelines owned by Northwest Pipeline LLC, Gas Transmission Northwest, Nova Gas Transmission, Foothills Pipe Lines and Spectra's Westcoast Energy. PSE purchases electric energy under long-term firm purchased power contracts with other utilities and marketers in the Western region.

Share class

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A 1 200 0 0 -

Company contact information

Puget Energy, Inc.

355 110th Avenue NE

98004, Bellevue

+425 454 6363
address Puget Energy, Inc.(PSD)
  1. Stock Market
  2. Equities
  3. PSD Stock
  4. Company Puget Energy, Inc.