Progress announced that Boston Heart Diagnostics has chosen Progress® Kendo UI®, Progress® Telerik® DevCraft™ and Progress® Corticon® products to power the development of its patient and healthcare provider portals. The patient and healthcare provider portals are an ecosystem where laboratory test results, personalized diagnostics reports, and customized lifestyle reports with information from patients and dietitians are aggregated, tracked and shared with the providers within a secure environment that protects the patient’s information. Boston Heart Diagnostics’ solutions can enhance patient engagement and education with explanations of test results and treatment considerations in language and imagery patients can understand and make actionable toward a healthier lifestyle. Boston Heart Diagnostics chose the Progress suite of solutions for its robust functionality, flexibility and an extremely intuitive end user experience. The Progress Corticon business rules engine helps to create a Life Plan tailored to each patient based on their test results, health history and food preferences provided on the Boston Heart patient portal. Boston Heart Diagnostics uses Progress Kendo UI, an extremely robust JavaScript UI component library for building high quality, high-performance responsive web apps, and Progress Telerik DevCraft to deliver rich user experience in their patient and healthcare provider portals. Delivering quality web UI while reducing development time by 40%.