Probe Gold Inc. announced the official submission of the Detailed Project Description (DPD) for the Novador project to the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC), the federal body accountable to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change. This follows the submission of the Initial Project Description (IPD) in October last year and marks another major step towards the Impact Assessment ("IA") process, which is required under Canadian law for the advancement of a mining project towards construction and production. The IA will assess changes to the environment, health, social, and economic conditions associated with the Novador project.

Since submitting the IPD, IAAC has engaged in early consultations with Indigenous Peoples, government officials, regulatory bodies, community leaders, and the public to gather feedback and identify potential interests. Incorporating the feedback received, the DPD now includes updated information mandated by regulations concerning the designated project, along with details regarding the potential environmental, social, health, and economic impacts of the project. At the federal level, the initiation of the 'Planning Phase' begins with the submission of the IPD.

During this stage, the IAAC contacts Indigenous groups to notify them of a potential project that could impact their rights or interests, inviting them to participate in the planning. Following the submission of the IPD in October last year, the IAAC commenced early consultations with Indigenous Peoples, government officials, regulatory bodies, community leaders, and the public to gather feedback and identify potential interests. The purpose of the DPD and the Response to the Summary of Issues that were submitted to the IAAC about the Novador Project during the public comment period on the IPD is to outline the current understanding of the Project and enable the IAAC to notice an opinion on whether an impact assessment is required for the project.

Building upon the Project information shared in the IPD, updates and additions in the DPD are informed by feedback from the Early Engagement Phase and technical studies conducted to date. The DPD aids in refining Project components and options through the design process, marking the conclusion of the Early Engagement Phase and the commencement of the EA Readiness Decision phase in the coordinated environmental assessment (EA) process. Probe will work closely with the IAAC throughout the environmental assessment process to ensure the responsible execution of the Novador project.

Indigenous groups and all other stakeholders will play an important role in the development of the project, as their active collaboration throughout the development of the project is essential.