Premier Graphene, Inc. announced that it shipped HGI?s proprietary graphene suspension test samples to one of the largest essential materials companies in the world for use in concrete. This essential materials company is adding graphene samples to concrete to confirm the game changing improved qualities of this concrete as measured by HGI?s in-house tests. Premier Graphene Inc. has exclusive distribution rights in the United States for this high-quality, economically viable graphene, as well as all graphene colloids and graphene suspensions created by HGI.

Cement is the essential ingredient of concrete. Concrete is made by combining water, cement and aggregates (such as sand and gravel) to make the most essential building material throughout the world. By adding the graphene suspension samples to the concrete mixture, the improved characteristics have the potential to universally change the characteristics of concrete by making concrete greener, stronger, while reducing curing time, increasing durability and reducing maintenance, resulting in a substantial reduction in concrete material costs.

With almost 8,000 employees, with a dominant distribution system in North America including almost 800 operating locations, this worldwide leader in the aggregate and cement business presents an extraordinary opportunity for Premier and HGI. With over a century of operational expertise and a public market value exceeding $50 billion USD, Premier Graphene?s potential partner leads North America in sustainable construction materials, road contracting, and building products sales. This interest was prompted by the independent laboratory?s reported 32% increase in compression strength over standard concrete at 28 days.

The laboratory tested concrete reduced concrete porosity, enhanced durability, while reducing the amount of cement and concrete used based on a ratio of concrete/square foot. The reduction of concrete using the concrete enhanced with HGI?s graphene has the potential to significantly reduce construction costs by reducing the ratio of cement in future hydraulic cement mixes. Graphene, renowned as one of the most valuable materials globally, holds promise across diverse applications including construction, medical fields, electric vehicle batteries, and environmental remediation.

Several months ago, HGI Industrial Technologies, with assistance from Premier Graphene, initiated testing of HGI?s proprietary graphene suspensions designed to enhance cement's structural properties. Initial trials demonstrated a significant reduction in carbon emissions?up to 30% less compared to conventional cement?by incorporating graphene, which could potentially mitigate 5% of global carbon emissions linked to cement production. Moreover, in just seven days HGI?s proprietary graphene suspensions facilitated a 15% increase in compression strength over standard concrete, alongside reduced concrete porosity, enhancing durability.

That disparity in strength over conventional concrete increased to 25.6% after 14 days and to 32% when tested after 28 days! After the results of the test were known, a special group consisting of the company?s top engineers within their divisions held an hour(s) long Zoom call meeting and presentation with top Premier Graphene personnel including President Pedro Mendez, CTO Gustavo Carreño and CMO Dr. Richard Goulding to discuss sales, marketing and distribution plans.