Peeks Social Ltd. provided an update on the pending launch of the Personas social network (“Personas”). Personas is an ecommerce enabled video and image sharing social network that provides users with a video chat based payments system (ChatCash). Personas’ ChatCash service allows users to provide (and charge for) one-on-one private tutorials, consulting services, help desk services and any other service that is typically delivered through one-on-one chat. Personas technology and policies are purpose designed to satisfy user demands for a “Hate Free Space” on the internet where personal privacy is protected. Personas provides greater privacy in a variety of ways; for one, by allowing users to segment their social media following into several profiles: friends, family and followers. In addition, as a policy Personas does not sell user data. Future releases of Personas will allow users to create additional profiles on demand. A significant market opportunity has emerged as a result of rising user concerns over social media privacy, trolling, fake news and misuse of private data. These concerns are reflected in a recent Pew Research Center poll, that reported; “42% of US adult Facebook users have taken a break from the site in the past 12 months for several weeks or more, 54% adjusting their privacy settings and 26% deleting the app from their phone entirely”. Major development of release 1.0 of the Personas is complete and is currently in beta testing. Personas will be submitted for approval to the Apple and Google app stores in the coming weeks and subsequently available for download.